Loka Samasta Sughino Bhavantu!
Let all creations be well!
MY TEACHINGS at School of Santhi are very basic and essential for effective living. It is very simple and
offers practical solutions to aching, mental and physical problems. My teachings doesn't pertain to any
religion. It just talks about the essence of human living. It is the sum and substance of all religions.
THERE IS A GREAT significance for these teachings in a world where human beings
are so pressed and tensed due to their way of thinking and living. The benefits
of my teachings are tested and proved over a period of time. It should be reached
to one and all as a means of
I often get this question when people have started to meditate:
"For a beginner starting to meditate it
is very difficult to be still and calm down. The mind is thinking about so many
things, you see a lot of pictures and so on. Can you please explain what is
NOT ONLY A BEGINNER even one who is meditating regularly may come across restless moments. Meditation means
restfull alertness and is a temporary moment of suspension of the mind from its own activities such as
comprehension, misapprehension, imagination, sleep and memory.
IT DOESNīT MEAN the mind is totally at rest while one sits for meditation. Sitting for meditation and
meditation are two different things.
IN MEDITATION THE MIND entertains the idea you introduce into it voluntarily. The idea could be anything
ranging from sound to silence. It could be anything that is from visual to light. It could be anything that
goes with the liking of the person. When the mind flows to the point of attention continuously for a long
period of time without effort and strain the mind is in a state of meditation. When the mind stays in this
face for a time it naturally gets into a state of integration called Samadhi. Samadhi is the extension of
IN MEDITATION there are three reference points. One is the meditator itself; the second is the object of
meditation and the third is the process of meditation. Though the mind is in meditation it is not suspended
totally. In this process mind starts to withdraw from its own natural activities and can flow to the point
of attention continuously for a long period of time towards the idea that is planted voluntarily.
AS THE MIND IS in a process any impression registered in the memory could pop up in the mind. It is quite
natural as far as this process is concerned. If you let loose the pop-ups it will naturally withdraw to the
source from where it came and the meditator gets a possibility to go along with the pop-ups with his
awareness to the source of thought from where the pop-ups came.
SOURCE OF THOUGHT IS the memory hidden in the subconscious. Subconscious mind is like an innocent child. As
you simply observe the pop-ups when it receeds you will get into more and more relaxation as you are moving
from the conscious mind to the subconscious. When you arrive at the subconscious you are absolutely
innocent and what ever is presented to the subconscious mind during the meditation appeares to be true to
the meditator.
THE MEDITATOR WILL integrate with the source easily if he is not trying to reject the impressions that are
creeping up in the mind during the process of meditation.
SO DONīT CONSIDER the impressions coming up in the mind while meditating as obstacles.
Consider it as helping tools to cross the conscious realm of the mind to reach
to its depths.